Work in Australia After Study? New Temporary Graduate Visa Rules Explained

Australia's Temporary Graduate Visa program is getting an overhaul! This article explains the new rules including the age limit, two streamlined visa categories, and exciting extended work visa options for Indian students. Find out if studying in Australia is a good option for you in the post-update world.

Major changes are coming to Australia’s Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) program starting July 1, 2024. This is part of the government’s plan to better integrate international students into the workforce.

Temporary Graduate Visa

The Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) is a visa option for international students who’ve recently graduated from an Australian university or college. It lets you stay in Australia for a few years after graduation to work and gain valuable work experience in your field.

Key Updates Effective July 1, 2024

The overhaul of the Temporary Graduate Visa system encompasses alterations to both the Graduate Work Stream (renamed as the Post-Vocational Education Work Stream) and the Post-study Work Stream. Here’s a breakdown of the major revisions:

1. Age Eligibility Requirement

Commencing July 1, 2024, Applicants for the Post-Vocational Education Work Stream (formerly Graduate Work) must be 35 years old or younger. This aligns with the skills focus of the program. Exceptions apply to holders of Hong Kong or British National Overseas passports (under 50).


The system is simplified with two main streams:

  • Post-Vocational Education Work Stream: For graduates of associate degrees, diplomas, or trade qualifications linked to Australia’s Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).
  • Post-Higher Education Work Stream: For graduates of bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees (coursework and research), and doctoral degrees (PhDs).

2. Duration of Post-study Work Visa

Great news for Indian students! The Post-Higher Education Work Stream offers extended work rights:

  • Up to 3 years for graduates with a bachelor’s degree (including first-class honors in STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
  • Up to 4 years for PhD graduates.

This extended stay reflects the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA). Students from other countries will have a maximum stay of 2 years for bachelor’s degrees and 3 years for doctoral degrees.

Must Read: New Visa Regulations in Australia: Implications for Foreign Students and Expats


Is Now the Right Time to Apply?

Absolutely! Australia is seeking students with a genuine desire to study and contribute to the workforce. The focus is on skills development and attracting talent to fill in-demand positions.

Here’s why it’s a good time to apply:

  • Genuine student intentions are prioritized.
  • A focus on acquiring valuable skills for future employment.
  • Opportunity to gain permanent residency for those who contribute positively.

Remember: Strong supporting documentation proving your genuine student status is crucial.

Requirement for Student Visas

Australia has enacted stricter regulations on student visas, introducing a significant financial requirement effective May 10, 2024. International students must now demonstrate a minimum savings balance of A$29,710 (approximately €18,218) to meet the visa eligibility criteria.


This latest adjustment marks the second increase in financial requirements within a span of seven months, following a previous hike implemented in October 2023.

Education Reform for Immigration

Australia’s changes reflect a global trend. Many countries, including Canada and the UK, are reforming their education systems to better integrate them with immigration policies. Understanding these changes is essential for anyone considering studying abroad.

Thinking of studying in Australia?

Research the new visa requirements and ensure your chosen program aligns with your career goals and Australia’s skills needs. With careful planning, you can leverage these changes to launch a successful career Down Under!

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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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