Record Surge in US Student Visa Applications from India

The US Embassy in India experienced a record number of student visa applications during its 8th annual Student Visa Day, reflecting the growing demand for US education among Indian students. With nearly 4,000 interviews conducted in a single day.

The US Embassy in India experienced an unprecedented surge in student visa applications during its 8th annual Student Visa Day, underscoring the escalating demand for US education among Indian students.

The consular team conducted interviews with 3,900 applicants, a figure indicative of the growing educational exchange between the two nations.

Significant Rise in Visa Issuance

The US Mission to India has reported a remarkable increase in the number of student visas issued. In 2023 alone, the embassy granted a record 140,000 student visas, surpassing the combined totals of 2018, 2019, and 2020.

This exponential growth reflects the robust educational links and the continued appeal of US institutions among Indian students.


“On June 13, 2024, our team interviewed nearly 4,000 student visa applicants,” stated the US Embassy in a press release. “This reflects our commitment to fostering higher education ties and facilitating international academic pursuits.”

Also Read: US Student Visa Rejections: Key Insights and Preparation Tips from the Embassy

A Quarter of US International Students Are Indian

Currently, one in four international students in the US hails from India, highlighting the country’s significant presence in American higher education. The demand for US student visas from India has surged due to the exceptional quality of education, research opportunities, and the global networks available at US universities.

Despite economic and safety concerns, the number of Indian students in the US has tripled over the last decade, demonstrating their sustained interest in American education.


Strong Educational and Diplomatic Ties

US Ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, emphasized the importance of this growing academic exchange. “Every international student on a US campus represents years of dedication and achievement,” Garcetti remarked.

“These students are not just academic achievers; they are also ambassadors of India’s rich cultural and educational heritage, strengthening US-India relations.”

Also Read: US Embassy Issues Update For Indians Who Applied For US Student Visa

Preparing for Continued Growth

Anticipating further growth in student visa applications, the US Embassy and Consulates in India have expanded their capacity for the 2024 student visa season. This proactive approach aims to accommodate the rising interest from Indian students and facilitate smoother processing of their visa applications.


The Ongoing Appeal of US Education

The consistent rise in visa applications underscores the enduring attraction of the US as a premier destination for higher education. US institutions are renowned for their academic excellence, research facilities, and diverse opportunities, drawing students from around the globe.

The US government’s commitment to prioritizing student visas, even amidst a 400% rise in overall visa demand between 2021 and 2023, illustrates its dedication to supporting international education.

Also Read: USCIS Allows F-1 Student Visa Holders to Work In US Startups


As the educational ties between the US and India strengthen, the future looks promising for Indian students aspiring to study in the US, bolstered by the ongoing efforts of both nations to facilitate academic and cultural exchange.


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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