Thailand Drops 300 Baht Tourism Fee and Offers Extended Visas

Planning a trip to Thailand? Fantastic news! They've scrapped a proposed tourist fee and launched exciting initiatives for budget travelers and luxury seekers alike. Discover extended visas, a focus on wellness and adventure, and efforts to promote sustainable tourism.

Are you planning a trip to the Land of Smiles? Here’s some fantastic news for budget-conscious travellers and luxury seekers alike! Thailand recently scrapped a proposed tourism fee, making your vacation even more affordable.

But that’s not all – the country is rolling out a series of exciting initiatives to boost tourism, offering something for everyone.

No More Tourist Fee!

Previously, a proposal for a 300 baht (US$8.20) tourism fee for air arrivals had travellers worried. However, the Thai government has officially nixed this plan, aiming to encourage higher tourist spending across various sectors.

This means you can explore Thailand’s vibrant markets, indulge in delicious street food, and enjoy luxurious experiences without an additional fee burdening your travel budget.


Visa Reforms to Attract More Visitors

Extended Visa Stay: Thailand is making it easier than ever to extend your stay and discover hidden gems. They’ve recently extended visa durations for tourists, students, remote workers, and retirees.

Visa-Free Stay Period: Apart from this Thailand has also extended visa-free entry for Indian passport holders to 60 days, effective from June 1, 2024. This initiative, lasting until November 11, 2024, aims to boost tourism by simplifying travel.

More countries are now eligible for Visa On Arrival: Additionally, more countries are now eligible for visas on arrival and longer stays (up to 60 days for travellers from 93 countries). This flexibility allows you to delve deeper into Thailand’s rich culture, stunning landscapes, and diverse offerings.

Also Read: Thailand Welcomes Remote Workers with New 5-Year Digital Nomad Visa


New Tax Incentives for Domestic Tourism

Complementing these efforts, the government approved tax incentives on June 4 to bolster domestic tourism. These measures, effective from May to November, include tax deductions for companies holding conventions and seminars, as well as for individuals staying in homestays and non-hotel accommodations in secondary cities.

‘Amazing Thailand’: Campaign

To further stimulate tourism, the Tourism Authority of Thailand has launched the “Amazing Thailand: Your Stories Never End” campaign.

This initiative emphasizes luxury travel and showcases Thailand’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, wellness offerings, and adventure opportunities. It aims to position Thailand as a premier destination for diverse travel experiences.

Nan Province’s UNESCO Bid

Efforts are also underway to elevate Nan Province’s profile by seeking UNESCO World Heritage status. During a recent Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Srettha underscored plans to boost tourism in Northern Thailand, with Nan at the forefront of this initiative.


Tourism Growth & Impact

Thailand’s tourism ministry reported 11.95 million foreign tourist arrivals between January 1 and April 28, generating 575 billion baht in revenue.

With these new initiatives, Thailand aims to welcome around 40 million foreign visitors by year’s end, a target that underscores the country’s ambition to rejuvenate its tourism industry post-pandemic.


Thailand’s recent policy changes and promotional campaigns underscore its commitment to revitalising tourism and making the country an even more attractive destination. With extended visa stays, tax incentives, and a focus on luxury and cultural tourism, Thailand is set to offer a richer experience for international and domestic travellers alike.

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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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