Unlock 3: State-wise Quarantine Guidelines For Air Passengers


The Airport Authority of India on Saturday has shared new detailed state-wise guidelines for quarantine rules and regulations to be undertaken by air passengers flyers.

Apart from listing out the minimum mandatory quarantine period for passengers in various states, the guidelines also state various obligations on part of the airlines.

“To address concerns regarding quarantine norms in different states, here are the latest State-wise Quarantine Regulations for Domestic Passengers (as of 30th July 2020). Please visit- https://aai.aero/en. These regulations are placed under ‘Important Notices’.” Airport Authority of India said in a tweet.

Here are the state-wise guidelines share by AAI

Quarantine Guidelines For Delhi

The COVID-19 test is not required for incoming passengers in Delhi. The thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival. International passengers are required to go through 7 days of institutional quarantine at a government facility at no charge or paid quarantine at designated hotels, followed by 7 days of home quarantine. For domestic passengers, 7 days of home quarantine is mandatory. Constitutional and government functionaries and their staff members are exempted from 7 days of home quarantine. All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.

Quarantine Guidelines For Haryana

The COVID-19 test is not required for incoming passengers. The thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival and 14 days of home quarantine is mandatory. All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.

Quarantine Guidelines For Himachal Pradesh

The COVID-19 test is not required for incoming passengers. The thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival. 14 days of institutional quarantine for passengers arriving from any Red Zone district outside of Himachal Pradesh or passengers having ILI (Influenza Like Illness) symptoms irrespective of the zone from where they are arriving.

14 days of home quarantine for passengers arriving from any Red Zone district outside of Himachal Pradesh and are carrying Covid-19 negative test report from ICMR authorized lab which should not be older than 48 hours from the date of departure.


Quarantine Guidelines For Jammu & Kashmir

The COVID-19 test is mandatory here for incoming passengers, except for the defense personnel. Institutional quarantine for all passengers until test results are available. If test results are positive, they will be sent to Covid-19 facility/hospital for treatment and recovery. On negative test result, mandatory home quarantine 14 days from the date of testing.

There are certain exceptions to quarantines protocols in Jammu and Kashmir. The detailed guidelines can be accessed from the ‘AAI Important Notices’ section on AAI’s website.

Quarantine Guidelines For Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh has separate guidelines for incoming passengers to Bhopal and Indore. For arrival in Bhopal, thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival. If a passenger is found symptomatic, the Covid-19 test to be performed. Institutional quarantine till test result is available. If the test result is positive, a passenger shall be sent to COVID Care Centre after which the passenger may be required to re-test followed by home quarantine. On a negative result, further quarantine is not required. No quarantine for business and corporate travelers. Passengers are required to undergo the Covid-19 test at the airport if advised by the health authorities.

Quarantine Guidelines For Punjab

The COVID-19 test shall be performed on a random basis Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers. For international passengers 7 days institutional quarantine is mandatory followed by 7 days of home quarantine. Domestic passengers are required to go through 14 days of mandatory home quarantine. All passengers must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their journey. COVA Punjab App registration will be checked for each passenger.


Quarantine Guidelines For Uttar Pradesh

Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival. For international passengers 7 days institutional quarantine is mandatory followed by 7 days of home quarantine. Domestic passengers are required to go through 14 days of mandatory home quarantine.

Passengers exiting Uttar Pradesh within 7 days of arrival shall be exempted from mandatory quarantine subject to validation of return/onward travel. Passenger will need to register on the state website before they exit the arrival hall at the airport.

Quarantine Guidelines For Assam

Thermal screening, health profiling, and COVID swab testing will be done upon arrival. Antigen tests are available at Guwahati, test results are available within 60 minutes. Assam has two days of mandatory institutional quarantine for incoming passengers followed by 8 days of home quarantine. Passengers are also required to fill a health declaration form. Some exceptions to institutional quarantine norms have also been issued which include pregnant ladies, elderly people above 75 years of age.

Quarantine Guidelines For Bihar

The thermal screening will be conducted upon arrivals. No quarantine for passengers. All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App.


Quarantine Guidelines For West Bengal

A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. Symptomatic passengers shall be taken to the nearest facility for the Covid-19 test. 14 days of self-monitoring for all asymptomatic passengers are advised. For symptomatic passengers, the health authorities will decide the quarantine requirement as required. Aarogya Setu App and health declaration are mandatory.

Quarantine Guidelines For Gujarat

A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. Domestic travelers who are asymptomatic will not be quarantined, however, they will be required to monitor their health for 14 days. International passengers need to go under 7 days of institutional quarantine, followed by 7 days of home quarantine. Passengers will have to fill and submit a self-reporting form at the airport.

It is mandatory for all passengers arriving at Surat to fill the online “Novel corona self-reporting form” and download the “SMC COVID-19 Tracker” app.

Quarantine Guidelines For Rajasthan

A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. The COVID-19 test shall be done for all symptomatic passengers. 14 days of voluntary home quarantine for all passengers. Symptomatic passengers shall be isolated and taken to the nearest health facility. Aarogya Setu App and health declaration are mandatory for all passengers.


Quarantine Guidelines For Maharashtra

The state has wide-ranging guidelines for passengers arriving across various destinations such as Aurangabad, Pune, Shirdi, Nagpur, Mumbai, and Kolhapur.

For passengers arriving in Mumbai, thermal screening is mandatory. International passengers are required to go through 7 days of institutional quarantine, followed by 7 days of home quarantine. For domestic passengers, 14 days of home quarantine is mandatory.

All domestic passengers intending to exit Mumbai within 7 days of the arrival shall be exempted from quarantine, provided they are able to produce a confirmed ticket for onward/return journey. Airlines to share a detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, time, mobile number, and residential address with the nodal officer.

Quarantine Guidelines For Andhra Pradesh

A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. Ten percent of randomly selected people and preference to people of more than 60 years age and children of less than 10 years coming by domestic air mode by taking test swab at airports itself.


14 days of home quarantine mandatory for domestic passengers. 7 days of institutional quarantine for international passengers. Tests may be conducted between the 5th and 7th day and based on the result a follow-up action to be initiated. All passengers download Aarogya Setu App and register themselves on the Spandana website.

Quarantine Guidelines For Telangana

A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. All international passengers shall be sent to 7 days of institutional quarantine at a government facility or at paid designated hotels. Health authorities to decide on the quarantine requirements for all other symptomatic passengers.

Quarantine Guidelines For Karnataka

Thermal screening, health profiling of all passengers. Covid-19 swab test for symptomatic passengers as well as those passengers seeking quarantine exemption. All asymptomatic passengers arriving from other states in Karnataka shall be required to undergo 14 days home quarantine.

All symptomatic passengers shall be moved to COVID Care Center for further tests. If the result is positive, passengers shall be moved to dedicated COVID Hospital. On a negative result, passengers shall be sent for home quarantine to complete the remaining quarantine period of 14 days. Exemptions to quarantine also available under various circumstances such as in case of pregnancy, death in the family, among others.


Quarantine Guidelines For Tamil Nadu

The COVID-19 test will be conducted for passengers coming to Chennai from Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Delhi. Covid-19 test to be conducted for passengers arriving into any other airport of Tamil Nadu from any state, at the discretion if of health officials. Health officials can also order a test for passengers traveling within Tamil Nadu at their discretion. A thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.

Passengers to undergo 14 days of home quarantine. For symptomatic passengers, institutional quarantine till Covid-19 test results is available at the discretion of health officials after which, they will be required to complete the remaining period of 14 days of home quarantine.

All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App, register on state website and obtain TN e-pass.

StateWise Quarantine Guidel… by travelobiz on Scribd


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Travelobiz.com, he's passionate about writing.

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