Trump’s H-1B Visa Ban Lifted By US Judge


A federal judge has blocked enforcement of the H-1B visa ban issued by US President Donald Trump in June this year, saying that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority.

This is a major relief to thousands of Indian IT professionals.

The order was issued Thursday by District Judge Jeffrey White of the Northern District of California.

In June, Trump passed an executive order temporarily banning the issuance of new H-1B and other foreign visas, including H-2B, J, and L visas, until the end of the year.


The President had argued that the United States must save and protect jobs for its domestic workers at a time when millions of them have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A number of IT companies and other US companies and their representatives had spoken out against the temporary ban.

Manufacturers went to court to challenge the government’s ban on certain visas as the restrictions undermined the industry at a critical time and came in conflict with the law, said Linda Kelly, senior vice president and general counsel of NAM.

Judge White’s ruling contradicts an August decision by District of Columbia District Judge Amit Mehta who ruled that he has no authority to join the ban while the lawsuit is pending. “The wisdom of the president’s decision to address these changing circumstances by restricting the entry of certain classes of foreigners is a political choice that the judiciary is not well equipped to evaluate,” he said.


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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