Report: Himachal Pradesh Plans To Open For Tourism Next Week


The Himachal Pradesh lockdown is over similar to the rest of the country, but not in the way it should be. However, the latest news reports suggest that the Himachal Pradesh government may open to tourism next week.

The state is opening up to tourism with guidelines that must be followed by interested travelers, said Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur.

Himachal Tourism is reported to be developing some standard operating procedures (SOPs) so that tourism in the state can run smoothly and without problems during this COVID-19 crisis.

  • One of the things already mentioned by the state government is that tourists are required to provide negative COVID-19 reports on entry.
  • Plus, the report must be submitted by a laboratory recognized by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
  • The Ministry of Home Affairs has now confirmed that tourists are not prevented from moving around the state.
  • At the same time, it is important to follow the SOPs and Guidelines issued by the State government.

The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh said in a statement to the media:


We have taken up the matter to MHA that registrations would be mandatory and we would keep a record if someone is tested positive and this record will help in contact tracing. As far as tourism is concerned, the tourists will have to come minimum for five to seven days and SOPs would be issued by Monday. “

Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh

The good news for the state is that there have been no new cases of COVID-19 in the state of Himachal Pradesh in the past 24 hours.

However, the total number of coronavirus cases in Himachal Pradesh is 1,046, of which 326 are active, with 9 deaths reported.

(News Source – Times Of India)


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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