The Kolkata Metro, on Wednesday, issued a number of Do’s and Don’ts for passengers to travel while complying with COVID-19 safety standards after resuming service.
Passengers are required to wear masks that cover their faces and noses and clean their hands from disinfectant dispensers placed on each platform before boarding a train, an official from the Metro Railway here said.
Metro Railway’s general manager Manoj Joshi, who inspected several stations on the city’s mass transit system on Tuesday, had previously announced that the final date for the resumption of services would be set soon.
Passengers can only use smart cards for travel and need to download the Aarogya Setu app on their phones.
It said that tokens would not be used.
Passengers will have to get their body temperature checked through thermal screening at the time of entry to a Metro station and will have to use specified gates for entry and exit, the official said.
Metro authorities said passengers with symptoms of a fever, cough or cold should not ride on their trains.
It also advised elders and children against traveling on a subway train. The official said those who spit at stations will be penalized.
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