Indian flag-carrier Air India on Tuesday announced that it is all set to launch direct flights between Hyderabad and London under the Air Bubble Arrangements.
As per a social media update, the airline will operate flights on the Hyderabad-London route starting from 9th May to 6th Sep ’21.
“Air India set to launch flights between Hyderabad and London from 9th May to 6th Sep ’21. Booking open through Air India Website, Booking Offices, Call Centre & Authorised Travel Agents.” Air India said in a tweet.
Air India has also opened the booking for flights between Hyderabad And London; tickets can be booked through Air India Website, Booking Offices, Call Centre & Authorised Travel Agents.
Last week the airline has also announced new flights between India and Brisbane, Narita Moscow And Singapore under the air bubble agreement and Vande Bharat Mission.
It must be noted that at the starting of March, India has announced the flight schedule for phase 10 of the Vande Bharat Mission, As per the schedule published India will operate a total of 1557 flights from 27 countries in March 2021.
The list of countries includes Afghanistan, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, China, France. Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UAE, UK and USA.
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