Abu Dhabi: Air India Express Ticketing Office Open From July 10


The Air India Express ticket office was temporarily moved to the premises of the India Social and Cultural Center (ISC) in Abu Dhabi in Mina Zayed, officials from the ISC said on Thursday.

From July 10, the Air India Express office will temporarily work daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the ISC premises with the correct COVID-19 protocol.

Jojo J. Ambooken, ISC Honorary Secretary General, said: “We are writing to announce that we have received a humanitarian request from the Air India Office Abu Dhabi to use our premises as a temporary return flight ticket office.”

The “Vande Bharat Mission” ticketing service was temporarily discontinued due to the large number of people gathered around the Air India Express city office in Khalidiya. This leads to great inconvenience for neighboring businesses and residents as well as problems with law and order in the region. ” he said.


Express City Office in Khalidiya and causes a lot of inconvenience to neighboring businesses and residents and also creates a problem with the region’s law and order, “he said.

Since it is a humanitarian gesture on our part to our fellow Indians who face many problems due to pandemic situations and the return flights to India, it is our moral responsibility to help those in need by helping Air our premises India Express should temporarily use its office to issue airline tickets to our community workers, “said Ambooken.

The center also announced that it had received a special permit from the relevant authority to provide the space for a limited period of time.

The relevant authority to make the premises available for a limited period of time.


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Travelobiz.com, he's passionate about writing.

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