Virgin Atlantic To Restart Passenger Flights From July


Virgin Atlantic has announced its plan to restart passenger flying, with flight services from London Heathrow to Orlando, Hong Kong, Shanghai, New York JFK and Los Angeles set to resume from 20th and 21st July 2020.

As countries around the world start to relax travel restrictions, Virgin Atlantic will resume some routes on 20th July, while steadily increasing passenger flying throughout the second half of 2020, with a further, gradual recovery through 2021 in line with customer demand.

Juha Jarvinen, Chief Commercial Officer, Virgin Atlantic commented: “As the Covid-19 crisis stabilises and demand slowly returns, we are looking forward to welcoming our customers back onboard and flying them safely to their favourite destinations. To ensure the health and safety of our customers and our people, we’re introducing new measures at every point in the journey to offer peace of mind when taking to the skies with us.”

“we are calling for a multi-layered approach of carefully targeted public health and screening measures, which will allow for a successful and safe restart of international air travel for passengers and businesses. We are planning to announce more destination restart dates in the next two weeks for the month of August.”


Virgin Atlantic planned return to flying from London Heathrow Terminal 2*

Flights will be loaded into systems over the next two weeks subject to change.

Restart dateRoute
20th July 2020London Heathrow – Orlando
20th July 2020London Heathrow – Hong Kong
21st July 2020London Heathrow – Shanghai
21st July 2020London Heathrow – New York JFK
21st July 2020London Heathrow – Los Angeles

**Virgin Atlantic operates temporarily from Terminal 2 at Heathrow, due to HAL’s terminal consolidation. Virgin Atlantic will return to its much loved home at London Heathrow Terminal 3 when demand at Heathrow grows, enabling Terminal 3 to reopen

Some of the protocols to be followed in the airport are:

  • Proactive health screening and denying boarding if any questions are answered positively.
  • Encouraging customers to use hand sanitiser stations at the check in and gate area
  • Advocating the use of temperature checks to be administered upon arrival at the airport for the safety of all customers and people.
  • Adhering to social distancing measures at check in and boarding gates to limit the number of customers in queues to avoid crowding.
  • Encouraging customers to check in 24 hours before or use the self-serve check in and bag drop to minimise contact.
  • All the seating and gate area around boarding will be sanitised to a the high standard to offer customers peace of mind as they wait to board their flight.
  • Boarding will be limited to 10 customers at a time, starting from the back of the aircraft to minimise contact between customers.
  • On boarding, all customers will be asked to scan their own boarding pass and hold up their passport for inspection to minimize contact.

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Also Read: IATA Calls For Urgent Implementation Of ICAO COVID-19 Guidelines


Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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