The groundbreaking for the planned Ram temple at the Ram Janambhoomi site in Ayodhya is currently taking place in the hope of a better future after massive modernization plans that include a brand new airport and a dazzling railway station.
The Uttar Pradesh government has announced a number of development and beautification projects in the temple city with a budget of more than Rs 500 crore.
There are plans to promote Ayodhya as a major religious tourism destination.
The government expects big strides by 2024 when the long-awaited Ram temple is expected to be completed, Sanket Upadhyay reports in the NDTV news.
The advance planning not only includes a new airport and train station, but also a modernization of the nearby motorway and local tourist attractions.
Ayodhya now has a runway for VIPs. But the government has announced that it will be turned into an airport. Not much has happened since the announcement two years ago. The government is still acquiring land.
The national highway upgrade has a budget of INR 250 crore.
The water supply project is also being modernized and has a budget of INR 54 crore.
Rs. 7 crore are earmarked for the bus station and an equal amount for the police barracks.
Rs 16 crore was reserved for the modernization of the Tulsi Smarak.
The local Rajshri Dasrath Medical College is also being modernized, for which INR 134 crore has been allocated.
Although Ayodhya had dominated politics in northern India for decades, it had been a sleepy little town where young people demanded development.
In November 2018, Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath announced big plans for an airport and medical school. There were plans to build a Ramayan racetrack on the Saryu River that flows through the city.
(Source: NDTV News)
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