Passenger On IndiGo Flight Tests Positive For COVID-19


Low-cost airline Indigo on Tuesday said that a passenger who travelled in it’s Chennai to Coimbatore flight on Monday, has tested positive for Covid-19.

The airline has grounded all the crew of of it’s Chennai-Coimbatore Flight No 6E 381 after the passenger found to be coronavirus positive.

“We received confirmation from the Coimbatore airport doctor that a passenger who travelled on 6E 381 from Chennai to Coimbatore on 25th May evening, has tested positive for Covid-19,” the airline said in a statement

The passenger is currently quarantined at ESI state medical facility at Coimbatore.

“The passenger was seated on-board the aircraft with all precautionary measures including face mask, face shield and gloves, as were the other passengers. Additionally, no one else was seated in his vicinity, significantly reducing the possibility of transmission,” the statement said.

As per the guidelines by MoCA, the IndiGo aircraft are regularly sanitised as a standard operating procedure, and the aircraft operating this flight was also immediately disinfected as per the protocol.

This is possibly the first case of a passenger on-board being infected for coronavirus after domestic flights resumed services on Monday.


The airline said it has received confirmation from the Coimbatore airport doctor that the passenger tested positive for coronavirus.

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Also Read: Indian Consulate in Dubai Warns Against Repatriation Flight Scams


Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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