Ministry of Tourism Launches ‘Stranded in India’ Portal to Help Foreign Tourists


The Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with an aim to extend support to the foreign tourists who are stranded in India, has come up with a portal to disseminate information regarding the services that can be availed by foreign tourists who have stuck far away from their homeland. The portal is titled ‘Stranded in India’ and aims to act as a support network for foreign tourists stuck in various parts of the country.

The entire world is facing a truly unprecedented situation arising out of coronavirus and it is a constant endeavor to ensure the well being of tourists, especially the ones that travel from foreign countries. Accordingly, the Ministry of Tourism is constantly staying vigilant and encouraging various initiatives to help the ones in need.

COVID-19 Helpline Number+91-11-23978046 or 1075
Helpline Email ID [email protected] | [email protected]
Whatsapp (COVID-19 helpdesk) +91 9013151515
BOI Helpline [email protected] | 011-24300666
Tourist Helpline1363 or 1800 11 1363

The portal consists of the following information that will be useful for the tourists in their time of need:

1. Comprehensive information around COVID-19 helpline numbers or call-centers that the foreign tourists can reach out to for help.


2. A variety of information around the Ministry of External Affairs control centers along with their contact information.

3. Information around state-based/regional tourism support infrastructure.

4. Help Support section to extend help to the ones in need of further information and connect foreign tourists to concerned authorities.

The website will be featured on the Tourism Website and prominent Ministry of Tourism channels. Please visit or for further details.


(Source: PIB)

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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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