The Maharashtra government on Monday issued Covid-19 SOPs on safety, hygiene, booking, and accommodation for the tourism sector.
According to the newly released guidelines, the management should communicate these guidelines to visitors through promotional materials and social media platforms.
Here Is What The SOPs Say:
- The people above the age of 65, those with co-morbidities, pregnant women, children below the age of 10 should stay home and should only go out if very essential.
- Tourists must strictly follow social distancing, family groups can stay together as long as they are six feet away from other individuals.
- Only asymptomatic tourists should go out and those having even mild symptoms should remain in isolation.
- Tourists should not allow guests and hotel staff in their rooms if not necessary.
- Â The tourist facility should be checked and visits should be planned accordingly.
- All of tourist should install the Arogya Setu app in their mobile devices.
It also said that a Covid-19 team comprising representatives from the police, local bodies, and other departments involved in tourism will be formed to enforce the guidelines.
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