The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) on Tuesday issued a new update regarding the online booking and refund policy of e-tickets. This new update will be applicable to the tickets which are going to cancelled due to lockdown.
IRCTC issue the new policies after the suspension of all passenger trains extended till 03 May 2020.
IRCTC share this information in a tweet.
Information related to online booking and refund of E-ticket.
— IRCTC (@IRCTCofficial) April 14, 2020Advertisement
- For trains cancelled till 3rd May 2020 by Indian Railways, a full refund will be provided automatically by IRCTC. Users need not cancel their e-tickets. Full fare will be credit.’ back into user’s accounts from which payment was made.
- Passengers who have already cancelled their E-tickets for train cancelled by railways will also be eligible for a refund of full ticket fare including cancellation/clerkage charges.
- No advance reservation of train tickets, including E-tickets, till further advice, however, the facility of online cancellation will remain functional.
- A full refund will also be there for those cancelling the advance bookings of tickets for trains not yet cancelled.
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