Inter-State Travel and E-Pass – Everything You Need to Know


The Government of India extends the lockdown and the country entered into the fourth phase of lockdown from Monday, 18.

As per the Ministry of Home Affairs guidelines, the lockdown 4.0 will last until the end of this month.

The new guidelines are slightly different from the previous ones and it allowed few relaxations for the resumption of economic activities and inter-state travel.

We received a lot of queries regarding inter-state travel and e-pass, so we decide to all the queries in this article:


Is inter-state travel allowed during Lockdown 4.0?

Yes, as per the new set of guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs on 17 May

– Inter-state movement of passenger vehicles and buses, with mutual consent of the state(s) and UT(s) involved.

– Intra-state movement of passenger vehicles and buses, as decided by the states and UTs.

Where can I apply for a e-pass?

You can either contact the District Magistrate’s office or apply for e-pass online at

This portal is being used by at least 17 states in India to issue travel passes to individuals and groups. Once you select the origin state, you will be re-directed to the state’s individual travel pass application website where you fill in the required information.

You can also apply for e-pass at

We recommend you to avoid applying for e-pass on multiple portals

What documents are required for applying an e-pass?

While the requirement of documents and details differ from state to state, these are some basic requirements mandated by all states.

– Basic details like name, age, gender, date of birth.

– Identity proof like Aadhaar card, passport number

– The address you are traveling from and to

– Vehicle number and license number

– Date of travel, and date of the return (if applicable)

– States also ask for details like whether the concerned person has been quarantined or shown coronavirus symptoms in the recent past.

– Once you apply for e-pass, the portal will give you a reference number

– Note down this number and keep tracking the status of the same on the portal

– If your pass is approved, you will get a document with your name, address, validity and a QR code

– However, there are also chances of your e-pass being rejected

– Keep the e-pass with you at all times while traveling

Can states ban my entry even if I have a travel pass?

Yes, this is possible and completely at the state’s discretion. For example, Karnataka has banned the entry of people from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.

Can I apply for e-pass if I was rejected previously?

While there are no clear guidelines on this, avoid applying again when your request is under process.

How to get an e-pass for inter-state travel [step-by-step guide]

Making the process of getting an e-pass easier for inter-state, the government of India claims to have set up a single-point access website where people can request an e-pass. Here’s how to get an e-pass.

1. Visit:

This single-point access website currently has e-permits for 17 states only, excluding major states. The website is redirected service to help you navigate to the right website for your state.

2. Select State to Apply e-Pass


3. You will be redirected to the state’s e-pass website, where you can verify your phone numbers with an OTP and upload all necessary documents to the website.

4. After submitting all details, the concerned department will review the application and decide whether it wants to issue an e-pass to you or not.

5. After the e-pass is issued, you will get an SMS regarding the same on their phone with a link to download the e-pass.

6. You need to carry the e-pass with him wherever you go, as security personnel might ask to verify if you can commute during the lockdown or not.


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Also Read, Shrine Board in Process of Formulating SOPs for Vaishno Devi Yatra


Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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