The Bureau Of Immigration, Govt of India on Sunday announced that Electronic Visa (e-Visa) under the following categories viz. e-Business Visa, e-Medical visa, e-Medical Attendant visa, and e-Conference visa has been restored with immediate effect.
As per the Bureau Of Immigration, the nationals of 156 countries are eligible for e-Visas to enter India.
However, e-Visa under Tourist category is presently suspended.
It must be noted that in October last year, India had restored all existing visas except all types of e-Visas, tourist, and medical visas.
Here is the full list of countries whose national are eligible for e-Visa facility.
S. No. | Country | S. No. | Country |
1 | Andorra | 79 | Madagascar |
2 | Angola | 80 | Malawi |
3 | Anguilla | 81 | Mali |
4 | Antigua & Barbuda | 82 | Malta |
5 | Albania | 83 | Marshall Islands |
6 | Austria | 84 | Mauritius |
7 | Argentina | 85 | Mexico |
8 | Armenia | 86 | Micronesia |
9 | Aruba | 87 | Moldova |
10 | Australia | 88 | Monaco |
11 | Azerbaijan | 89 | Mongolia |
12 | Bahamas | 90 | Montenegro |
13 | Barbados | 91 | Montserrat |
14 | Belgium | 92 | Mozambique |
15 | Belize | 93 | Myanmar |
16 | Bolivia | 94 | Namibia |
17 | Bosnia & Herze:ovina | 95 | Nauru |
18 | Botswana | 96 | _Netherlands |
19 | Brazil | 97 | New Zealand |
20 | Brunei | 98 | Nicaragua |
21 | Bulgaria | 99 | Niger Republic |
22 | Burundi | 100 | Niue Island |
23 | Cambodia | 101 | Norway |
24 | Cameron Union Republic | 102 | Oman |
25 | Cape Verde | 103 | Palau |
26 | Cayman Island | 104 | Palestine |
27 | Chile | 105 | Panama |
28 | Colombia | 106 | Papua New Guinea |
29 | Comoros | 107 | Paraguay |
30 | Cook Islands | 108 | Peru |
31 | Costa Rica | 109 | Philippines |
32 | Cote d’lvoire | 110 | Poland |
33 | Croatia | 111 | Portugal |
34 | Cuba | 112 | Republic of Korea |
35 | Cyprus | 113 | Romania |
36 | Czech Republic | 114 | Russia |
37 | Denmark | 115 | Rwanda |
38 | Djibouti | 116 | Saint Christopher and Nevis |
39 | Dominica | 117 | Saint Lucia |
40 | Dominican Republic | 118 | Saint Vincent 8s the Grenadines |
41 | East Timor | 119 | San Marino |
42 | Ecuador | 120 | Samoa |
43 | El Salvador | 121 | Senegal |
44 | Estonia | 122 | Serbia |
45 | Eritrea | 123 | Seychelles |
46 | Fiji | 124 | Sierra Leone |
47 | Finland | 125 | Singapore |
48 | France | 126 | Slovenia |
49 | Gabon | 127 | Slovakia |
50 | Gambia | 128 | Solomon Islands |
51 | Georgia | 129 | South Africa |
52 | Germany | 130 | Spain |
53 | Ghana | 131 | Suriname |
54 | Greece | 132 | Swaziland |
55 | Grenada | 133 | Switzerland |
56 | Guatemala | 134 | Sweden |
57 | Guinea | 135 | Taiwan |
58 | Guyana | 136 | Tanzania |
59 | Haiti | 137 | Thailand |
60 | Honduras | 138 | Tonga |
61 | Hungary | 139 | Trinidad & Tobago |
62 | Iceland | 140 | Turks as Caicos Island |
63 | Ireland | 141 | Tuvalu |
64 | Israel | 142 | UAE |
65 | Italy | 143 | Ukraine |
66 | Jamaica | 144 | United States of America (USA) |
67 | Japan | 145 | Uruguay |
68 | Jordan | 146 | Vanuatu |
69 | Kenya | 147 | Vatican City-Holy See |
70 | Kiribati | 148 | Venezuela |
71 | Laos | 149 | Vietnam |
72 | Latvia | 150 | Zambia |
73 | Lesotho | 151 | Zimbabwe |
74 | Liberia | 152 | Uganda |
75 | Liechtenstein | 153 | Belarus |
76 | Lithuania | 154 | Benin |
77 | Luxembourg | 155 | Equatorial Guinea |
78 | Macedonia | 156 | Togo |
India’s Bureau of Immigration states that all foreigners (including foreigners of Indian origin) visiting India on long term or more than 180 days on Student Visa, Medical Visa, or Research Visa and Employment Visa are required to get themselves registered with the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO)/ Foreigners Registration Officer (FRO) concerned. The registration must be done within 14 days of arrival.
Foreigners (including minors above 16 years of age) have to report in person or through an authorized representative to the appropriate Registration Officer for registration. No registration is required in respect of children below the age of 16 years.
The supporting documents required for the registration include original valid passport and Visa along with 4 passport size color photographs (4 cm X 4cm) with white background, ears distinctly visible without spectacles and cap, registration form, and 3 photocopies of the relevant pages of the passport (photo page, page indicating validity, page bearing arrival stamp of Indian Immigration.)
An undertaking letter signed by an Indian host/ sponsor/ guarantor is also required. In case of registration on a medical visa, a letter from the concerned hospital (must be reputed and recognized hospital) where treatment is being taken along with supportive medical documentary/diagnostic test reports with the tentative period of treatment must be submitted.
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Also Read: Over 40 Countries Resumed Visa Application Processes At VFS Global: Details Here