IATA Urges European Governments To Lift Border Restrictions


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has urged governments across Europe to coordinate to lift border restrictions and find alternatives to quarantine rules in order to put an end to the coronavirus pandemic-wracked devastation of the European economic sector.

The IATA comments came after assessing the impact of COVID-19 on economies, passenger numbers and employment across Europe, reports SchengenVisaInfo.com.

Flights in Europe have been 50 percent lower in the last few months compared to the same period last year, although there was a slight increase after a large part of European countries decided to relax some of their imposed travel restrictions.

It is estimated that almost 60 percent of the decrease was due to passenger numbers, which equates to around 705 million passenger journeys.


The recovery of Europe after the damage caused by COVID-19 is still extremely uncertain, the statement stressed.

According to IATA, “European passenger demand is expected to gradually recover and not reach 2019 levels until 2024” while up to 7 million jobs in Europe supported by aviation are at risk.

“It is extremely worrying that the prospects for air travel continue to decline this year, impacting employment and prosperity. It shows once again the dire effects families across Europe will feel if border restrictions and quarantine continue. It is important that governments and industry work together to create a harmonized plan for reopening the borders, ”said Rafael Schvartzman, Regional Vice President for Europe at IATA.

European airlines and airport associations had previously expressed their shared concerns about travel restrictions imposed by a large part of European countries.


They stressed that they are not scientifically based, as indicated in a letter to prime ministers and ministers for transport, health and home affairs across Europe.

The Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe), Airlines for Europe (A4E) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) stressed that new country travel restrictions “are slowing the recovery of air traffic and the restoration of air connectivity.

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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Travelobiz.com, he's passionate about writing.

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