Here’s a list of all Long Weekends In 2020


What is the first thing comes in your mind when you hear about long weekends? Obviously, a Trip or Holiday with your friends or family. Now, that 2019 is coming to an end (that passed pretty quickly! Isn’t it?), we look forward to another great year with amazing travel experiences.

The calendar for the long weekends in 2020 has finally been out and you will be happy to hear that there are 15 long weekends in 2020 for you.

So here we have prepared a list of all the long weekends coming in 2020 with the best places to visit. We have listed out the best where you can get 3-4 days of a long weekend without taking too many leaves.

If you are a travel agent the list will also help you design your holidays package or fix departure accordingly to make the best the best profit out of it.


Long weekends in 2020

Long Weekends in January 2020

January 2020 has two long weekends the 1st long weekend is five days long the weekend has two restricted holidays and two weekend leaves you only need to take one leave to the best utilization of your leaves.

The 2nd long weekend has two weekends and one restricted holiday of Lohri.

Long Weekend 1

DateDayType of Leave
1-JanuaryWednesdayNew Year (Restricted Holiday)
2-JanuaryThursdayGuru Govind Singh Jayanti (Restricted Holiday)
3-JanuaryFridayTake A Leave

Long Weekend 2

DateDayType of Leave
13-JanuaryMondayLohri (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekends in February 2020

February 2020 has only one long weekend at the end of the month. The only long weekend has one restricted holiday of Mahashivratri and two weekends.

Long Weekend 3

DateDayType of Leave
21-FebruaryFridayMahashivratri (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekends in March 2020

March 2020 has one long weekend at the starting of the month. The long weekend includes two weekends, one gazetted holiday of the festival of colors ‘Holi’ you can take one leave on 9th March and utilized your long weekend.

Long Weekend 4

DateDayType of Leave
9-MarchMondayTake A Leave
10-MarchTuesdayHoli (Gazetted Holiday)

Long Weekends in April 2020

April 2020 has two long weekends of five days at the start of the month. For both weekends you only need to take one leave.

Long Weekend 5

DateDayType of Leave
2-AprilThursdayRam Navami (Gazetted Holiday)
3-AprilFridayTake A Leave
6-AprilMondayMahavir Jayanti (Gazetted Holiday)

Long Weekend 6

DateDayType of Leave
10-AprilFridayGood Friday (Gazetted Holiday)
13-AprilMondayTake A Leave
14-AprilTuesdayDr. Ambedkar Jayanti

Long Weekends in May 2020

May 2020 has only one long weekend. It has one gazetted holiday of Eid-Ul-Fitr and two weekends.


Long Weekend 7

DateDayType of Leave
25-MayMondayEid-ul-Fitr (Gazetted Holiday)

Long Weekends in June 2020

Unfortunately, the month of June 2020 does not offer any long weekend. Although you can take a leave with any regular weekend and enjoy a three days trip to any nearby places.

Long Weekends in July 2020

Unfortunately, the month of July 2020 also does not offer any long weekend. Although you can take a leave with any regular weekend and enjoy a three days trip to any nearby places.

Long Weekends in August 2020

August 2020 has to offer you two long weekends and both are four days long. The 1st long weekend of this is month is quite perfect as you do not need to take any leave. For the second long weekend, you need to take 1-day leave.


Long Weekend 8

DateDayType of Leave
31-JulyFridayEid Ul Adha
3-AugustMondayRaksha Bandhan

Long Weekend 9

DateDayType of Leave
10-AugustMondayTake A Leave

Long Weekends in September 2020

Unfortunately, the month of September 2020 does not offer any long weekend. Although you can take a leave with any regular weekend and enjoy a three days trip to any nearby places.

Long Weekends in October 2020

October 2020 has come up with the highest number of long weekends in the year. The month has three long weekends of three days for the perfect short trips and the best thing is you don’t need to take any leave this month to enjoy your long weekends.


Long Weekend 10

DateDayType of Leave
2-OctoberFridayGandhi Jayanti (National Holiday)

Long Weekend 11

DateDayType of Leave
26-OctoberMondayDussehra (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekend 12

DateDayType of Leave
30-OctoberFridayId-E-Milad (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekends in November 2020

November 2020 has come with two long weekends for the but the first long weekend comes with the festival of lights Diwali, so if you love the Diwali festival there is only one long weekend remail for you to travel and that is at the end of the month.


Long Weekend 13

DateDayType of Leave
13-NovemberFridayChhoti Diwali (Restricted Holiday)
14-NovemberSaturdayDiwali (Gazetted Holiday)
16-NovemberMondayBhai Dooj (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekend 14

DateDayType of Leave
30-NovemberMondayGuru Nanak Jayanti (Restricted Holiday)

Long Weekends in December 2020

The last month of the year, December 2020 has only one long weekend. Christmas time is the best known for winter holidays, it is the time when the whole world is enjoying the long winter vacation you can also take a short trip in this weekend without taking any extra leave.

Long Weekend 15

DateDayType of Leave
25-DecemberFridayChristmas Day (Gazetted Holiday)

Share this with your friends & colleagues so they can also utilize their long weekend with the best travel plans.

Download the list of Long Weekends in 2020
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Also Read, 10 Most Popular Travel Destinations According to Google


Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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