Germany Introduces Chancenkarte: A New Opportunity for Non-EU Nationals

Germany just launched a groundbreaking new visa program called the Chancenkarte, or "Opportunity Card." This program streamlines the immigration process for skilled workers from outside the EU.

In a significant move aimed at addressing Germany’s labour shortages, the country has unveiled the Chancenkarte, or “Opportunity Card.” Launched on June 1, this innovative work visa offers non-EU nationals a streamlined path to immigrate and seek employment in Germany, bringing new possibilities for skilled professionals from around the world.

The Chancenkarte Explained

The Chancenkarte or Opportunity Card introduces a points-based immigration system that evaluates applicants based on academic qualifications, professional experience, language proficiency, and other specific criteria.

  • Academic Qualifications: Recognized German degrees or professional qualifications score highly.
  • Work Experience: Proven experience in sought-after fields like engineering, medicine, or education boosts your score.
  • Language Skills: Proficiency in German (level A1) or English (level B2) is essential, with additional points for higher fluency.

This system marks a departure from traditional visa requirements, allowing individuals to enter Germany and search for employment without needing prior sponsorship from an employer.

Also Read: 11 Countries with Skill Shortages & Work Visa Options in 2024


More Than Just a Visa

The Chancenkarte offers distinct advantages over traditional work visas:

  • Job Search Flexibility: Hold the card for a year to actively search for full-time work in Germany.
  • Part-Time Work Allowance: Supplement your income with legal part-time gigs while searching for your dream job.
  • Pathway to Permanent Residency: Finding a suitable job can lead to a longer stay and potentially permanent residency.

How It Works

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Chancenkarte, applicants must accumulate a minimum of six points through a combination of the following factors:

  • Recognized academic degree or professional qualification in Germany.
  • Professional experience relevant to the German job market.
  • Proficiency in the German language or prior study in Germany.
  • Age and other personal factors that contribute to their potential for successful integration.

Financial Requirements

Applicants must also demonstrate financial self-sufficiency, with proof of funds amounting to at least €1,027 per month to cover living expenses during their job search.

Duration and Employment Flexibility

The Chancenkarte permits holders to reside in Germany for up to one year while seeking full-time employment. Additionally, they are allowed to engage in part-time work during this period, providing them with the flexibility to support themselves while looking for a permanent position.


Addressing Labour Shortages

The Chancenkarte is part of Germany’s broader strategy to mitigate labour shortages, particularly in critical sectors such as healthcare, education, manufacturing, and engineering. By attracting skilled workers from outside the EU, Germany aims to bolster its workforce and enhance its economic stability.

“Attracting skilled workers is crucial for our economy’s future and addressing the labour shortages that have persisted for years,” Faeser highlighted, underscoring the long-term vision behind the new visa.

Opportunities for Non-EU Nationals

The Chancenkarte is tailored to non-EU nationals, including those from countries outside Switzerland, who currently do not have the automatic right to live and work in Germany.

The points system provides additional incentives for individuals with connections to Germany, such as language skills or previous education within the country.


How to Apply

Interested candidates can explore their eligibility for the Chancenkarte through the “self-check” tool available on the Make It In Germany website. Official applications can be submitted via the Chancenkarte website or at German Diplomatic Missions.

For more information and detailed guidelines, visit the Chancenkarte Official Website.


Germany’s Chancenkarte represents a forward-thinking approach to immigration, offering a flexible and accessible pathway for skilled professionals from outside the EU. By easing the process of finding employment in Germany, the country hopes to attract the talent necessary to meet its economic needs and sustain growth in key sectors.

As the Chancenkarte opens new doors for non-EU nationals, it also heralds a new chapter in Germany’s immigration policy, aligning with the global demand for skilled labour.


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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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