Amarnath Yatra: Online Registration To Starts From April 15


The online registration of pilgrims for Shri Amarnathji Yatra 2021 is going to commence on April 15 for both the Baltal and Chandanwari routes.

This year’s 56-day Yatra shall commence simultaneously on both the routes from June 28 and culminate on RakshaBandhan, on August 22, 2021.

Nitishwar Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board has informed that the intending yatris shall have to visit the and click on REGISTER. The yatri will then be guided for the steps to be followed. He will have to fill up his details in the online application form and attach his photograph and the Compulsory Health Certificate (CHC).

The CEO said that for ensuring against fraudulent health certificates, only such certificates which are issued by doctors/Medical Institutes authorized by the concerned State Government/UT Administrations shall be accepted for the online registration.


For Yatra 2021, only those health certificates which have been issued after March 15, 2021 shall be valid. The steps which yatris need to follow for online registration in order to register for the Yatra, have been put on the Board’s website

The CEO informed that the yatris shall be able to download the Yatra Permits after their applications have been duly processed. The yatris will have to carry their original Photo ID and CHC with them during the yatra.

Nitishwar Kumar further stressed that for ensuring effective security arrangements along the difficult tracks, only those yatris who are in possession of a Yatra Permit which is valid for a specified date and route, will be allowed to proceed beyond the Base Camps, and cross the entry gates at Domel and Chandanwari.

He appealed to all intending yatris to avail the facility of online registration in advance and timely obtain a Yatra Permit, in their own interest, so that they do not face any inconvenience when they embark on their journey.


The CEO further informed that persons under the age of 13 years or above the age of 75 years and ladies who are more than six weeks pregnant would not be registered for this year’s yatra. The yatris who propose to travel by helicopter do not require registration as their helicopter tickets shall suffice for this purpose. However, they shall be required to produce the Compulsory Health Certificate, (CHC) in the prescribed format issued by an authorized doctor, before they are allowed to travel by helicopter.

(Source: ANI)

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Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, he's passionate about writing.

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