200 trains to start from 1 June; Check train list, booking details, fare & Guidelines


Indian Railway is all set to start 200 special passenger trains from tomorrow (1 June 2020). The Ministry of Railway has announced a second set of 200 trains that it will operate from tomorrow.

According to Indian Railway more than 1.45 lac passengers to travel on Day 1 of 200 trains starting on June 1 and around 26 lacs passengers booked for Advance Reservation Period 01 to 30 June 2020

These mail/express trains will be fully reserved having both AC and non-AC classes and these services will be in addition to Shramik Special trains and 30 Special AC trains being run since 12th May.


General (GS) coaches will also have reserved seats. There will be no unreserved coach on these trains. As per IRCTC notification, fare shall be as normal. Since General (GS) coaches will be reserved, second seating(2S) fare shall be charged and seats will be provided to all the passengers.


IRCTC Ticket Booking Rules

  • Only online e-ticketing will be done through the IRCTC website or app. Tickets can also be booked through computerized PRS counters, including at Post Offices, Yatri Ticket Suvidha Kendras. 
  • Ticket booking through ‘agents’ is not be permitted.
  • The ARP (advance reservation period) is 30 days.
  • RAC and Waitlist will be generated as per existing rules. Only passengers with confirmed tickets shall be allowed to enter the station meaning waiting list ticket holders shall not be permitted to board the train.
  • No unreserved (UTS) tickets will be issued and no tickets will be issued during the journey.
  • Tatkal and premium tatkal booking shall is not permitted in these trains.

IRCTC Ticket Cancellation & Refund Rules

All passengers shall be compulsorily screened and if during screening, a passenger has a very high temperature, symptoms of Covid-19, etc., they will not be allowed to travel despite having confirmed tickets.

In such case, full refund shall be provided to the passenger as under;

  • On PNR having a single passenger.
  • On a party ticket if one passenger is found unfit to travel and also all other passengers on the same PNR do not want to travel in that case full refund shall be granted for all passengers.
  • On a party ticket if one passenger is found unfit to travel however other passengers on the PNR want to travel in that case full refund of fare shall be granted to the passenger who was not allowed to travel.
  • For all specified cases, TTE certificates shall be issued to the passenger at the entry/checking/screening point itself mentioning “Number of passengers not travelled due to symptoms of Covid-19 in one or more passengers”.
  • After getting TTE certificates, online TDR shall be filed within 10 days from the date of the journey for a refund of not travelled passengers, 
  • TTE certificate issued will be sent by the passenger to IRCTC and full fare for the part passenger/full who have not travelled shall be refunded by IRCTC in the customer’s account.

List of Special Trains

Indian Railway List of 200 … by travelobiz on Scribd

Chart Preparation

The first chart will be prepared at least 4 hours before the scheduled departure and the second chart shall be prepared at 2 hours before the scheduled departure. Only online current booking will be permitted in between first and second chart preparation.


Guidelines For Passengers

  • All passengers will be screened and only asymptomatic passengers will be allowed to board the train.
  • All passengers are mandated to wear face covers/masks at the entry and during travel.
  • Passengers are required to reach the station at least 90 minutes in advance to facilitate thermal screening at the station. 
  • Passengers are required to observe social distancing at the station and on trains.
  • On arrival at their destination, the traveling passengers will have to adhere to health protocols prescribed by the destination state/UT.
  • All quotas are permitted in these trains as permitted in Regular trains.
  • A limited number of reservation (PRS) counters shall be operated for this purpose.

Entry & Exit Guidelines For Railway Stations

Zonal Railways have been instructed to ensure that there are separate entry and exit gates at Railway stations to the extent feasible so that there is no face to face movement of passengers.

Zonal railways will be guided by standard social distancing guidelines on stations and trains and observe the safety, security, and hygiene protocols. All passengers must download and use the Aarogya Setu application. Passengers are advised to travel light.

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Also Read: Railways increase advance reservation period from 30 days to 120 days


Manish Khandelwal
Manish Khandelwal

Manish Khandelwal, a travel-tech enthusiast with over a decade of experience in the travel industry. Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Travelobiz.com, he's passionate about writing.

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